Physical Therapy

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Orthopedic physical therapists diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery. Our therapists are trained in the treatment of post-operative orthopedic procedures, fractures, acute sports injuries, arthritis, sprains, strains, back and neck pain, spinal conditions, and amputations. Our therapists work hard at helping you recover from injury or surgery, and get you back to living life the way you want.



  •  Shoulder pain or injury

  •  Rotator cuff tear or surgical repair

  •  Torn bicep

  •  Frozen shoulder

  •  Shoulder fracture, separation or dislocation

  •  Shoulder tendinitis, bursitis, impingement

  •  SLAP tear

  •  Arthritis

Neck & Back

  •  Neck and back pain spasms

  •  Pregnancy-related back pain

  •  Post-surgical neck or back rehab

  •  Decreased range of motion in the neck or back


  •  ACL, LCL, MCL, PCL sprains or tears

  •  Torn meniscus

  •  Muscle strains

  •  Cysts

  •  Arthritis

  •  Bursitis

  •  IT Band Syndrome

  •  Ruptured tendons

  •  Fractures

  •  Reconstruction or arthroscopic surgeries


  •  Fractures or pain

  •  Joint Replacement


  •  Fractures or pain

  •  Decreased range of motion

Physical Therapy Evaluation

Your physical therapist will determine your history of symptoms including the mechanism of the injury and whether your problem is acute or chronic. Current symptoms you are experiencing will then be explored. Based on the information you provide, your therapist will then assess ROM, strength, joint mobility if applicable, ligamentous integrity if applicable, and other special tests specific to the joint.

Physical Therapy Interventions

Manual Therapy

Our therapists offer unparalleled manual therapy to improve range of motion, soft tissue mobility, joint mobility, and flexibility.


Exercises are a very important part of your recovery, and will include range of motion, stretching, strengthening, and stability. Home exercises are also customized and provided to you as indicated.


Modalities including ultrasound, electrical stimulation, TENS, iontophoresis, and phonophoresis.

New & Upcoming Techniques

Our therapists are always expanding treatment options with new and upcoming evidence based treatment.