Physical Therapy

Neurological Rehabilitation

Alpha Rehab offers a highly skilled multidisciplinary approach to neurologic injuries and conditions. We are dedicated to and specialize in restoring lost function caused by neurologic disabilities. After a thorough initial evaluation, your therapist will design an individualized therapy program tailored to assist you in regaining your strength, communication, and independence.

We treat a wide range of diagnoses, including:

  •  Stroke or mini-stroke

  •  Brain Injury

  •  Parkinson’s Disease

  •  Multiple Sclerosis

  •  Spinal Cord Injury

  •  Cerebral Palsy

  •  Guillian Barre Disease

  •  Huntington’s Chorea

  •  Ataxia

Physical Therapy may address:

  •  Falls or other balance and vestibular problems

  •  Weakness or lack of coordination

  •  Pain associated with the diagnosis

  •  Decreased endurance

  •  Walking with least restrictive assistive device