Occupational Therapy

Neurological Rehabilitation

Alpha Rehab offers a highly skilled multidisciplinary approach to neurologic injuries and conditions. Neurological rehabilitation under the care of an occupational therapist will consist of supporting and facilitating an individual to be as independent as possible in their daily life. For some this may involve focusing on improving reduced cognitive functions such as planning or memory, whereas for others it may be more focused on removing physical barriers to independence through well designed housing, assistive technology or equipment.

Intervention is always goal orientated and focused around maximising and enabling independence.

  •  Brain Injury

  •  Parkinson’s Disease

  •  Multiple Sclerosis

  •  Spinal Cord Injury

  •  Cerebral Palsy

  •  Guillian Barre Disease

  •  Huntington’s Chorea

  •  Ataxia

Occupational therapy may address:

  •  Physical skills, such as strength and coordination

  •  Cognitive skills, such as memory, problem solving, sequencing, and ability to focus on an activity

  •  Visual skills, including scanning and depth perception

  •  Psychological skills, such as ability to cope and manage frustration

  •  Sensory skills, such as being able to identify different textures or temperatures and having a sense of space

  •  Self-care skills, such as dressing, bathing, cooking, or shopping