Hand Therapy
Hand therapy is the art and science of evaluating and treating injuries and conditions of the upper extremity (shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand). It uses a number of therapeutic interventions to help return a person to their highest level of function. It evolved from the need for a specialist with the knowledge and experience required to manage the challenging recovery of complex hand and upper extremity injuries.
Alpha Rehab’s occupational therapy team will help you with your recovery following hand or elbow injury or surgery, including:
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Carpal Tunnel Release
• Burns
• Amputations
• DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
• Distal Radius Fracture
• Tennis Elbow
• Trigger Finger ReleaseFlexor Tendon Injuries
• Repetitive Work/Stress Injuries
• Tendonitis
• Sprains/strains of wrist, elbow, or fingers
• Arthritis
• Thick scar tissue
• Loss of range of motion or strength